Thanks for stopping by. There’s so much excitement about my new SELF-healing process that I’m delighted to share it with you: SELF–Realization in 21 Minutes.
SELF–Realization in 21 Minutes is a daily process of not only reframing thoughts and beliefs. It also transforms the emotions, feelings, decisions, speech and actions stopping you from being your authentic self and creating and living the life you desire. Freeing one obstacle at a time, you feel lighter, freer and clearer immediately and with more advanced applications (see workshops below) you radically improve your life and the lives of those you love or counsel.
For individual, couples counseling, or group coaching contact Penny
The Art of Receiving Love & Wisdom
Navigating Relationships
Finding Meaning and Purpose in Our Lives
Penny Cohen, LCSW, Life Coach, Spiritual Mentor, Author, Speaker, Trainer
Now, lets get started!
Ask Yourself
Are you -- unhappy, in transition from personal, mid-life or spiritual crisis, trauma, divorce, heartbreak, career, loss of a loved one, job, or empty nesting?
If so, -- you may be Angry, Anxious, Stressed, Depressed, lack SELF Esteem, fear change, or bored, stuck or in a rut
Or -- you may be desperately searching to find out WHO you are, WHY you are here, and HOW to find and fulfill your purpose

The Process also accelerates gaining answers to the BIG Personal Questions:
Who am I?
Open to Higher Consciousness and become your authentic SELF
Why am I here?
Embrace unconditional love, communicate compassionately, experience intimacy in a primary relationship and enjoy satisfying family and social relationships
What is my purpose?
Uncover your uniqueness and live with passion
How can I contribute?
Feel loved, guided, supported and blessed and share the blessings by mentoring
SELF-Realization in 21 Minutes
Making Sense of Your Life One Step at a Time
The End Result:
Improved health and greater vitality
Increased intimacy in your primary relationship
More satisfying family, social, business relationships
Enjoyed a prosperous, meaningful career
Living the life you create and love with ease and joy
Being seen as happy, clear-headed, open-hearted, and inspirational
Oh Yes, A Little About Me:
Who I Am and How I Came to Develop This Process
We all have Life Challenges
Questioning life and healing through my own trauma of divorce, I was close to a nervous breakdown and then had a spontaneous spiritual experience. I opened to higher consciousness, a greater love than ever imagined, and a sense of purpose. At age 48 I went to college and received my Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees in Social Work. Henceforth, as a transformational psychotherapist, and life and spiritual coach for over 35 years I’ve worked with clients in transition snap back from adversity, move forward joyfully and maintain peak performance and fulfillment. Over time I developed a streamlined process of freeing one obstacle at a time. Working together while transforming your life, you learn how to use it on your own. Or, you can download it FREE to do on your own here and now: SELF-Realization in 21 Minutes
Read more about my credentials and philosophy >